Café et Restaurants

La vallée de l'Ernz propose un certain nombre de cafés et restaurants :

Café Am Sportslokal Medernach
20, rue de Larochette
L 7661 Medernach
Tel. 27402000
Café Brasserie du Village Medernach 
2, rue de Savelborn
L 7660 Medernach 
Tel. 879384
Restaurant Op der Millen Medernach
HC Reencontro
50, rue de Larochette 
L 7661 Medernach 
Tel. Restaurant 26873740 
Tel. Café 26873730 
Fax 26873731
Bloen Eck Stegen
1, Diekricherstrooss 
L 9186 Stegen 
Tel. 28 99 32 69
Restaurant Grill Neimillen Ermsdorf 
25 rte de Reisdorf 
L 9366 Ermsdorf 
Tel. 878544 
Fax 26870314
Restaurant op der Gare 2 Medernach
24, rue de Larochette 
L 7661 Medernach 
Tel. 26873556 

Les restaurants

Restaurant "Camping Auf Kengert"

The Restaurant at « Camping Auf Kengert » is open to everybody, not just for the camping guests, from March 1st till November 8th every day.  There are about 60 seats and a big terrace, where you may enjoy your meal “al fresco” when weather permits.
Inside is a fine restaurant with real log fire. In this pleasant, personal environment one feels right at home.

Directly next to the restaurant is an indoor playground, where you children can enjoy themselves whilst waiting for their meal. There are also formulas for children’s birthday parties during the opening times of the campsite, please check on the website for details.  You can also do the “barefoot walk” which starts directly next to the campsite.

Offers for children‘s birthday parties and school groups

Opening times
Week Morning Afternoon
Monday - 17:30 - 20:30
Tuesday - 17:30 - 20:30
Wednesday - 17:30 - 20:30
Thursday - 17:30 - 20:30
Friday - 17:30 - 20:30
Saturday 12:00 - 13:30 17:30 - 20:30
Sunday 12:00 - 13:30 17:30 - 20:30
Holiday 12:00 - 13:30 17:30 - 20:30


Two-week closure in the second half of September


Cuisine: Luxembourgish
General information

Restaurant "Camping Auf Kengert"

1, Kengert
L-7633 Larochette
T : +352 83 71 86
F : +352 87 83 23
E :
W :
See on the map


Where to sleep and eat?