Welcome to the press department of the Syndicat d'Initiative et du Tourisme Aerenzdallgemeng.
Here, you will find our press news, press releases, a series of texts which you can use for your articles.
You are a journalist and would like to have more information about the region? Just send an email to: . If you are planning a shooting and need to get in contact with the competent people we will assist you to do so, as well from far away as on the spot once you will be here. It is also possible to meet the manager from the regional tourist office of Luxembourg’s Little Switzerland.
Photos and texts to download are free for use, please send us a copy of your publication for our records.
Thank you.
Download here :
* Exemples publi-reportage Wort et tarifs
* Images
For the press:
* Programme voir dépliant ci dessous
* Liste des exposants
The 2025 edition is planned for September 7th.
1 35
Download annual report (Lux.language)
1 26
Den SIT Aerenzdallgemeng invitéiert op e klassësche Concert :
mam Kammerensemble vun der Volksoper Wien
Samsdeg 29.Juni 2024 um 19.00 Uhr an der Kierch zu Eppelduerf
Et musizéieren:
Renate Linortner, Flöte
Mariagrazia Pistan-Zand, Harfe
Anne Harvey-Nagl, Violine
Edith Gürtler, Violine
Frolieb Tomsits-Stollwerck, Viola und Sopran
Florian Mühlberger, Klarinette
Christophe Pantillon, Violoncello
Wierker vun
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
Gustav Mahler,
Dimitri Schostakowitshc
Luciano Berio
Maurice Ravel
à télécharger pour la presse